If your smile is affected by periodontal disease, you may have noticed that your gumline has receded, making your teeth look longer than usual. Gum recession may also be caused by overaggressive tooth brushing, insufficient dental care, genetic factors, tobacco use, grinding and clenching your teeth, hormonal changes or crooked teeth. A soft tissue graft, also called a gum graft, is a graft of gingival tissue. A gum graft may be needed to correct gingival recession or improve the appearance of an uneven gumline. 

During the gum grafting procedure, Dr. Connie will graft tissue onto the areas that need additional tissue. Based on your particular needs and desires, the tissue graft may be taken from another area of your mouth, from a tissue bank or from animal collagen. When using your own tissues, the graft may be taken from the roof of the mouth or the surrounding gums. Dr. Connie will help you determine which type of gum graft is best suited to your individual needs. In some cases, we may also use platelet therapy to control bleeding.

If you have suffered with receding gums from periodontal disease, come to N2 Periodontics & Implants to receive a soft tissue graft from Dr. Khanh Nguyen. She can graft gingival tissue to the affected area to improve periodontic health as well as appearance. Schedule a consultation with us to see if you need a soft tissue graft in San Diego, California. Call 858-273-3181 to get started.